Letter E represents the unparalleled Vistas and Outdoor Activities


The Fish/Fisherman in the Circle, The letter’s theme

The Fish/Fisherman symbolizes the outdoor activities available, including world-class fishing in our many pristine lakes and rivers.  Trout, bass and muskie are especially popular with fishermen and women.


Cardinal Element

The cardinal is the Commonwealth of Virginia’s state bird.  Cardinals are native to our area and were so named by early settlers because their brilliant red plumage looked like the red garments of Roman Catholic Cardinals.


Dogwood Blossoms Element

The dogwood bloom is the Commonwealth of Virginia’s state flower.  Dogwood trees are abundant in Clifton Forge and the surrounding area and can be seen blooming in the wild along the edges of wooded areas each spring.


Bear and Cub Element & Wildlife at Lake Element

A mama bear leads her club as they walk in the woods.  Bears (especially black bears) as well as other wonderful creatures, such as wild turkey, deer, the flock of geese flying over the lake, are some examples of the abundant wildlife that can be seen throughout our surrounding area.  The rural nature of our location provides a comfortable habitat for a wide variety of wildlife.


Kayak Element

A kayak with paddlers is seen enjoying one of the three rivers that flow through Clifton Forge.  The Jackson River and the Cowpasture River join together to form the head of the world-famous James River.  These clean and navigable rivers provide kayaking, rafting and tubing and other water sports activities.  A number of lakes are nearby for enjoyment.


Waving Hikers Element

To the right of Devil’s Backbone, two hikers wave to let you know how fun it is to be so close to nature right here in Clifton Forge.


Waterfall Element

Because of our mountains and rivers, we have many waterfalls nearby.  Two of them within a short distance of the LOVE Sculpture, are very popular with locals and visitors.  Roaring Run Falls, a well-known waterfall hike, has often been nominated as the prettiest hiking and waterfall destination in the Roanoke Valley. https://www.virginia.org/listing/roaring-run-recreational-area/4663/ Falling Spring Waterfall between Covington and Hot Springs, is another famous waterfall in this area.  These two waterfalls, in addition to others, provide great destinations for visitors and residents and they are both sought after by amateur and professional photographers from near and far. 



Cyclist Element

Cyclists enjoy this area because of the well-maintained mountain biking trails at Douthat State Park.  A very active Mountain Biking Club is constantly expanding cross-country trail opportunities.  Challenging road biking options start right in our Town of Clifton Forge.  Throughout the year several competitions are held for both types of biking.  They attract biking enthusiasts from a number of states.  “Middle Mountain Momma” is a cross country bike race located in nearby Douthat State Park offering competition at several skill levels.


“Agony in the Alleghanies” is a Gran Fondo Road Race.  The finish line is right here at the Masonic Amphitheatre Park.


Also available is the Annual Alleghany Highlands Triathlon, a run paddle, bike competition—and the finish line is also located here at the Amphitheatre Park.



Hiker Family Element

Hiking is a popular pastime for all ages in this part of Virginia.  Several trails exist in Clifton Forge such as Hazel Run and Lovers Walk.  Smith Creek Trail may be accessed from the Amphitheatre Park.  Our Parks and Trails Committee continues to plan the expansion of hiking opportunities in Town where families can enjoy a day’s hike.  More hiking trails can be found in nearby Douthat State Park.


The Jackson River Scenic Trail in Covington offers another picturesque hiking opportunity.



Devils’s Backbone Element

A steep mountain ridge near Iron Gate, known locally as Devil’s Backbone, is a well-known landmark that rises straight up from the Jackson River and is visible from Highway 220.   Natural beauty surrounds the region, and Devil’s Backbone, juts vertically from the hillside adjacent to the spectacular arch formation that gives the ridge of Rainbow Gap its name. An American flag has waved proudly near the top of the Ridge for many years. 



Hiker Bookend Silhouette

A female hiker is enjoying her climb of the letter “E” just as she would if ascending on of the steep mountains nearby such as Devil’s Backbone! Many locals and visitors enjoy the gorgeous scenery that this area offers while hiking.

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4 weeks ago
CF Love Works

The Feb 12 Community Gathering is regretfully cancelled. Our next Community Gathering is March 20. Hope to see you all there!We regretfully cancel the Wednesday, February 12 Community Gathering because of weather. Not only would it be difficult for local people to safely attend, but our speakers (one who comes from South Carolina) would also have a difficult time. Our next Community Gathering will be Thursday, March 20. Thanks so much and please pass the word!!! We hope you will all plan to attend in March--mark your calendars! ... See MoreSee Less

The Feb 12 Community Gathering is regretfully cancelled.  Our next Community Gathering is March 20.  Hope to see you all there!
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P.O. Box 631
Clifton Forge, VA 24422

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